Care RequestYour care need is important to us! We are praying for you. Submitting this request helps us know how to better support & care for you. Order Number Your name * Last Name * Email address * Address * Home Work Other Street address * City Province/Satate Phone type* * Mobile Mobile Home Work Other Phone number * Do you attend House of Signs and Wonders * Yes, I attend the City Congregation Yes, I attend Glenview Congregation Yes, I attend Capetown Congregation Yes, I attend Online No Is this Care Request for yourself or someone else? * This care request is for myself This care request is for someone else What type of care are you requesting? * 1-on-1 Prayer Visitation Financial Assistance | Coaching Funeral Wedding | Pre-Marital Coaching Marriage Enrichment Coaching Your Prayer Request * Do you want to subscribe to our mailing list? * Yes No